This is one of the newest courses by Beverly Cusick. During two days of the course duration Beverly will deeply touch the developmental changes, soft tissues, postural control and body alignment. Beverly will definitely change the way you were thinking about management and orthopedic solutions. There’s one thing we can promise – it will be hard to fall asleep after the course!

DATE:  September 14-15th, 2019 (Saturday and Sunday)



FOR WHOM? Rehabilitation team members, including orthotists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians, and pediatric orthopedists.

PRICE: PLN 1.600 (incl. handouts in English or Polish, buffet, unlimited tea, coffee and soft drinks, access to Beverly Cusick medical library)



This program features an overview of somatosensory function and development, the role of postural
control in movement acquisition and physiologic adaptation, skeletal modeling mechanisms and
influences, and ideal and pathomechanical features of orthopedic development of the trunk and lower
extremity. Normal developmental events are related to:

  • The operations of the somatosensory system
  • Postural control acquisition and body weight management
  • Biomechanical influences of full‐term gestation
  • Functioning postural and limb joint alignment
  • Elements of Sahrmann’s approach to analysis of the Movement System
  • The process of physiologic adaptation of bone, soft tissues, and the sensorimotor cortex

Deformity development is discussed in relation to:

  • Spasticity
  • Ligament laxity
  • Premature birth
  • Movement strategies in the presence of inadequate postural control and innate righting reactions
  • Use history in postural malalignment
  • Skeletal modeling errors


Management strategies are related to:

  • Body weight distribution onto the functioning base of support
  • Functioning joint alignment and related muscle lengths
  • Weakness
  • Skeletal modeling potential
  • Musculoskeletal assessment findings.

Instructor describes selected musculoskeletal assessments and the implications of their findings, and
brings them to therapeutic and orthotic management planning designed to optimize bone and joint
development via movement. The relevance of the findings obtained in the musculoskeletal assessment
to target selected interventions is made evident in videotaped cases



Participants completing this course are expected to be able to:

  • Describe these features of normal, postnatal immaturity of skeletal structure and alignment:
    thoracolumbar kyphosis, hip flexion contracture, increased femoral anteversion, increased femoral
    antetorsion, coxa valga, genu varum, and medial thigh‐foot angle.
  • Distinguish between strain and load and apply this distinction to the skeletal modeling process and to
    modeling potential in an aging child.
  • Discuss the sources and the significance of the achievement of bilateral, symmetrical, antigravity neck and
    trunk extension by age 4 months.
  • Explain the presence of symmetry in supine and prone positions at age 4 months as evidence of
    fundamental postural control.
  • Describe how the normal neonatal hip flexion contracture influences the early modeling of the spine
    in the sagittal plane.
  • Relate ideal, full‐term neonatal posture and lower limb joint alignment to postural control acquisition in
    prone, supine, sitting, and standing positions.
  • Relate ideal, full‐term neonatal posture and lower limb joint alignment to the acquisition of
    skilled transitions between quadruped and sitting positions.
  • Describe the typical progression from postural control acquisition to movement acquisition in
    sequential play postures and relate this progression to neuromotor re‐education.
  • Relate the achievement of competent weight shifting in the frontal plane to emerging limb use.
  • Differentiate between femoral anteversion and femoral antetorsion and explain the relevance of the
    distinction to the safe use of orthotic interventions.
  • Explain why measurements of “hip” medial and lateral rotation range of motion (ROM) do not
    represent hip joint motions.
  • Describe the anatomical components of the thigh‐foot angle and its typical developmental progression.
  • Describe the apparent relationship between postural control status and limb muscle extensibility.
  • Give an example of normal massed practice.
  • Explain the relationship between frontal‐plane weight shift skill, the swing limb torque generator in gait,
    and long bone torsion reduction in the lower extremities.
  • Explain the potential impact of Level 1 (basic) direction‐specific postural responses on the development
    of common contractures in ambulatory children with diplegic cerebral palsy.
  • Explain the potential somatosensory and therapeutic benefits of optimizing the postural base of support
    and functioning joint alignments in daily life.



Day 1

8:45 Register and settle in
9:00 An Overview of Developmental Changes in the Spine and Lower Extremities
9:30 Strain and Load: Shaping Bones and Joints with Skeletal Modeling
10:30 Break
11:00 Proximal Before Distal: The Contributions of Postural Control Acquisition & Maintenance to Orthopedic & Neuromotor Development
12:15 Lunch
1:30 Biomechanical Advantages of Full‐Term Gestation
2:45 Short break – 15 minutes
3:00 Body Weight Distribution in Neuromotor & Orthopedic Development
4:00 Ideal Lower Limb Soft‐Tissue Extensibility ‐ Evidence of Use History
4:30 Short Break – 15 minutes
4:45 Ideal Lower Limb Soft‐Tissue Extensibility ‐ continued
5:00 The Role of Postural Control Deficits in Deformity Development
5:45 Questions and Discussion
6:00 Adjourn


Day 2


8:45 Register and settle in
9:00 Clarifying Femoral Torsion and Version
9:30 Developmental Changes in the Pelvis & Femur in the Transverse Plane
10:30 Break
11:00 Developmental Changes in “Hip” Rotation ROM – Clinical Implications
11:30 Assessing “Hip” Rotation Range of Motion (ROM)
12:00 Lunch
1:15 Assessing Femoral Torsion
1:45 Clinical Implications of Transverse‐Plane Hip and Femur Findings
2:30 Short break – 15 minutes
2:45 Videotaped Case
3:15 Developmental Changes in the Knee, Leg, & Foot in the Transverse Plane
4:15 Short Break
4:30 Clinical Implications of Transverse‐Plane Knee & Leg Findings
5:00 Questions and Discussion
5:15 Adjourn




Instytut Dzielny Miś


1972 – BS in PT from Bouve College at Northeastern University (Boston) in 1972, summa cum laude.
1988 – MS in Clinical and College Teaching for Allied Health Professionals – University of Kentucky in Lexington.

1 year – PT staff at (now) Spaulding Rehabilitation Center, Boston, MA
3 years – PT staff and Director for UCP Center, Lawrence, MA
9 years – PT staff at Children’s Rehab. Center (now, Kluge Center), Charlottesville, VA.
3 years – PT Education faculty, College of Health Related Professions at MUSC, Charleston, SC, and Director of PT Services
for the Div. Of Developmental Disabilities at MUSC.
1 year, consultant, Cardinal Hill Hospital’s Head Trauma & Pediatrics teams – Lexington, KY.
4 years, assisting in the PT Department at Children’s Hospital at Stanford, Palo Alto, CA.
1988 to present: In private practice in California and Colorado.

Help Patients Manage Equinus Deformity. O&P Business News, 2011; April: 74-77.
Orthotic Management of Low-Toned Children: The Earlier the Better. (Co-author). O&P Edge. 2011; April: 24-29.
Serial Casting and Other Equinus Deformity Management Strategies for Children and Adults with CNS Dysfunction (2010) by Beverly Cusick, published by PG. (out of print)
Foot Talk (2009), a 2-hour lecture on functional foot anatomy and closed chain biomechanics, accompanied by a set of
Power Point handouts of the same lecture.
Legs & Feet: A Review of Musculoskeletal Assessments (1997, revised 2005 and 2015), an instructional videotape.
Lower Extremity Developmental Features (2000), a home study monograph for the APTA’s Orthopedic Section.
Progressive Casting and Splinting for Lower Extremity Deformity in Children with Neuromotor Dysfunction (1990), a fulllength text.
Serial Casts: Their Use in the Management of Spasticity-Induced Foot Deformity (1990), an illustrated manual published by Therapy Skill Builders. (out of print)
Several textbook chapters, articles for journals, conference proceedings, and professional newsletters, including a series
(2006 and 2007) on Pediatric Orthopedics for the NDTA Network.

Guest lecturer for annual conferences of the APTA, the NDTA, and the American Academy of CP and Developmental Medicine in the US and Canada; at the ISPO Consensus Conference for Orthotics in CP; the British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists; and the American Academy of Orthotics and Prosthetics and the American Orthotics and Prosthetics Association.
Instructor of more than 450 courses and guest presentations by invitation only in 18 countries.
Associate Professor (on call) for the Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions – Pediatrics Program – Provo, Utah (2006-present).
Since 1993 Ms. Cusick has been consulting and practicing privately in Telluride, Colorado where she devotes most of her
professional effort to generating literature and educational materials, to teaching, and to developing therapeutic products, including her invention, TheraTogs™ orthotic systems.




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