
We breakthrough the way electrostimulation has been used so far. Fully mobile and wireless electrostimulation impact muscle strength exactly in the moment and part of the body that is needed to perform function. As a result the muscles not only enlarge capabilities, but also learn how to use their capabilities in particular activities of everyday life.

Functional Therapy with Task Electrostimulation – why do we combine it during the rehab cycles?

Elektrostymulacja Zadaniowa

Task electrostimulation is a neuromuscular electrostimulation that we apply during a specific activity, giving benefits to muscle strength, range of motion and most importantly motor learning.

Functional therapies with the use of task electrostimulation base on wide  know-how of our therapies, experience and in-depth analysis of the patient, and thus individually tailored therapy adapted to the needs and goals of parents and children.

In the United States, we learned about the use of electrostimulation in pediatrics in a banal, though innovative way. Months of analysis, many foreign articles, selection of equipment and we are ready to significantly improve the effects of our work.


Task electrostimulation is a method in the field of physical therapy.It aims to provide electricity to stimulate tissues in order to replace or supplement the function that has been lost as a result of neurological damage.

It is based on functional electrostimulation, known for many years, i.e. muscle and nerve stimulation, to induce movement. Functional electrostimulation improves muscle strength and endurance. The therapists of the Institute of “Dzielny Miś” noticed that it lacks the “key” to success. It lacks the task!

Task electrostimulation is a functional electrostimulation during a specific activity, giving benefits to muscular strength, and at the same time giving the ability to code the movement of the central nervous system in the appropriate muscle tone of the muscle groups.

How is this possible? Two electrodes are placed on the skin, above the target muscle during exercises. They give full freedom of movement as the electrodes are connected with special power-generating modules controlled by Wi-Fi remote controls.

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Elektrostymulacja zadaniowa

For stimulation, we use AC that causes muscle contraction and it helps to strengthen it. In addition, the ability to perform motion and specific tasks without restrictions allows children to learn movement with appropriate muscle involvement. This allows you to perform isolated tasks but also to global functional movements.


Thanks to task electrostimulation, stimulated muscles are not only strengthed but also learn when to activate during a specific activity.

Benefits of task electrostimulation:

– improvement muscle strength

– improvement the range of movement

– the ability to perform exercises without restrictions related to cables

– motor learning (muscle contraction weighs up the joints in motion, which results in sensory oxygenation conducive to motor learning).

It must be remembered, however, that patient knowledge and analysis is the most important part of therapy. It is therapist of the Institute of the “Dzielny Miś” who is able to determine which muscles need extra stimulation and what specific activities / tasks to perform. Therefore, task electrostimulation can be an element of Functional Therapy that significantly increases the effects of therapy.

Feel free to contact us to learn more!

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