
60 minutes / 200 zł

Therapists of The Institute of the Brave Teddy Brave Bear, using the NDT- Bobath concept, carefully watch the child in spontaneous activity

It is not important what your child does, but how it is done. The quality of the movement is most important because it allows for a higher quality of life for your child in the future.

According to Zofia Szwiling, the NDT-Bobath therapy is functional because it adequately matches the age and abilities of the child. After a specialized preparation for security, this therapy activates all the systems in the body while keeping the tonus of the muscle as close to normal as possible. Most importantly, it keeps all segments of the body in the correct alignment.

During a one-hour session, a therapist will provide treatment and give the caregiver tips on how to care for the child. The therapist will explain the instruction of exercises and show some examples of how to play with the child in order to develop and improve motor skills. Brave Bear therapists know that a conscientious parent is the best therapist for a child. The therapy session is not only for working with the child, but also for explaining to the parents why the child does some activities and how it will improve their future.

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