Gait and Motion analysis laboratory – the only device in Poland for marker-free, advanced diagnostics of motion definition.
Modern medicine is changing as we speak. Modern physiotherapy, and above all pediatric neurological physiotherapy, must be based on advanced diagnostics, which are the part of various rehabilitation treatments. At the Institute of the Brave Bear you will find the only device in Poland for marker-free movement analysis, thanks to which we will penetrate your child’s body thoroughly, you will know exactly the impact of his movement implications. Receive a report with data, interpretation and examination of medical procedures that affect therapeutic management – whether for treatment, orthopedic supply investigation or surgical treatment.
What Exactly is the gait and motion laboratory?

Gait and Motion analysis is nothing more than a study of human body movement using the eyes and brain of experienced observers, supported by appropriate devices that measure body movement. All this to determine its mechanical characteristics and record muscle activity. The most popular part of motion analysis in recent years is the gait analysis, as the basic way of locomotion, and also one of the most complicated ones. The simplest form of gait analysis is undertaken every day in doctor’s offices, physiotherapy offices, orthotics laboratories. Whenever the specialist looks at the patient’s locomotion, he assesses the gait. What can be obtained from this is only a general impression of how the patient walks and makes assumptions about one or two of his main problems. This is an informal gait analysis. A „formal” study requires greater accuracy with objective measurements such as:
Kinematics, defining the area and time course of each movement in the joints.
Kinetics, providing information about ground reaction forces and forces that are transmitted through the body and joints.
Dynamic electromyography (EMG), providing information about the activity of specific muscle groups or muscles.
In order to capture a complex image of the body, we have installed the only device in Poland at the Dzielny Miś Institute, which consists of:
8 cameras that allow you to capture movement in all planes using the marker and markerless method;
Dynamometric platform for recording the forces acting on the body;
Electrodes for recording muscle activation
Why does my child need gait or motion analysis?
We will penetrate deeply into your child’s body and find the answer to the question of what is the main cause of his movement deficits – is it a delayed reaction of muscle activity, inadequate range of motion in the joints, inadequate management of the transfer of the center of gravity in space, inadequate reaction of the body to external forces (e.g. to ground reaction forces).
You will receive a report whose main element will be data interpretation. Not the data itself, but a description, discussion and, above all, recommendations related to the improvement of specific motor deficits of your child.
Movement analysis is absolutely necessary for physiotherapists in choosing the direction of therapy, but also for orthopedists in decisions regarding potential operations, orthotics in the selection of orthotic supplies.
In a measurable way, it will determine the state of motor functioning of your child. Movement analysis, repeated after time, will objectively answer the question whether the undertaken therapy or operational activities gave measurable effects.

What is so innovative in the gait or motion laboratory in the dzielny mis institute?
First, Markerless
Some of you have already performed a gait analysis, so you will ask, what is the difference between the movement analysis in the Institute? To assess the movement in the joints, your child was applied the sernsors – these were the so-called markers that allowed the observing cameras to track the movement of the joints. We can also use markers, but when performing an analysis for a child, it is often uncomfortable, stressful and may interfere with natural movement. That is why our movement analysis is the only device in Poland that allows you to capture and analyze 3D movement of the whole body without any markers! Motion is captured based on the silhouette.
Marker-free analysis is beneficial for many reasons:
- no time loss of related to fixing the markers on a body,
- no risk of data misinterpretation caused by moving markers on body,
- possibility of hybrid measurement (with and without markers)
Secondly, EMG
EMG stands for Dynamic Electromyography. EM provides information about the activity of given muscle groups or muscles. In the analysis of movements that you know or have heard, in order to use the activation of muscle work, the electrodes are connected to each other by numerous wires. Can you imagine how a child is supposed to move in them? The fact of using these means disturbs the natural movement of the child.
However, if we find out that it is necessary to look deeply into how muscles are activating during a given movement, we will perform dynamic electromyography (EMG) by using the electrodes. Application of the electrodes in tje Institute, however, is super easy: the electrodes are small, without any wires, attached to the body on the specific muscle group. They do not disturb the natural movement of the child.
Thirdly, a report with interpretation and recommendations
You will receive a report that main element will be data interpretation. Not the data itself, but s description, discussion and, above all, recommendations related to the improvement of specific motor deficits of your child.
If you’ve ever done a gait analysis, you probably didn’t even know what it’s data stands for. It is possible that the report you received previously, the coordinating doctor made better decisions in the treatment process. However, at the Dzielny Mis Institute, we want the movement analysis report to be legible not only for physiotherapists or doctors, but also for parents and guardians. For this reason, an ideal and complementary team will work on the analysis of your child’s movement – our dream team: a master’s degree in biomechanics will take care of the study and full analysis, and a physiotherapist who knows what data to look for in order to obtain knowledge about a specific physical activity. Together they will analyze and interpret the results, and most importantly, they will translate them into a language understandable to each of you. That is why the report you will receive from us will not only contain full analytical data, but above all you will find in it the interpretation of the results and specific recommendations aimed at improving movement deficits.
MOVEMENT OR GAIT ANALYSIS? I'VE heard only of GAIT ANALYSIS before. What are the differences?
Our laboratory is used to analyse movement, including gait analysis (as the basic part of movement). Thanks to our device, we can study almost every movement in our body. It can be a walk, but why not a push-up or sit-up? Why not standing alone? Movement analysis will also allow you to test children who cannot walk. Often, the lack of a correct standing position is explained by the lack of muscle strength in the gluteal muscles or the lack of extension in the hip joints. Thanks to the analysis of the standing position, we are able to indicate one main factor of disturbing standing, which may be the tilt of the center of gravity backwards, the wrong timing of activation of individual muscles, limited mobility in the joints, the wrong choice of orthoses for the lower limbs, etc.

is it possible that my physiotherapist/doctor will participate in the gait analysis, even if he/she is not from your institute?
Of course! We are on planet Earth to help children with disabilities. We invite you for an examination together with your therapist. If you authorise us to do so, we will also send the test report to him. And if you have additional questions related to interpretation and recommendations, we are at your service.
How much is the gait analysis with the report?
A full analysis with a report, data, data interpretation and recommendations costs PLN 500. In the case of motion analysis with EMG: PLN 550.